
Nah, it’s not for TV but an entry to a contest. Gotcha there, didn’t I? Please do continue to read…

I’ve learned to cook since the day I realized that I needed to feed my family healthy and yummy meals. Thanks to the greatest Chef on the Interweb, Google, I learned to cook basic to not-so-basic meals. I searched for recipes and watched dozens of videos on  how-to-cook stuff.  That’s why never in my right state of mind that I ever thought, I will have the guts to do my own cook-fest video (even my own husband had to laugh when I told him I was shooting a video ala cooking show)! Anyway, I will be shooting a video showing my cooking prowess on a fish recipe!

This video I plan to submit at I Love Fish Video Contest . The contest is sponsored by Fishta Seafood that’s why the video submission must be of a fish recipe. I’m planning of using White pompano or Tilapia for my entry since I’m familiar to both. The recipe I’ll be doing is from my Mom who is known to be a great cook. I just wish I could deliver as well as she could but I’m going to try 😉

Honestly, I’m running a bit late on my entry since deadline of submission is on March 31 but it was advised that entries must be sent via courier on or before March 29, 2011 to avoid delays and to be sure that the entries are in by March 31, 2011.

How about you, are you interested in joining? Join with me today! 
