
On April 22, 2012 from 10AM to 8PM there will be an awesome baby and family event at Trinoma Mall.  This fun filled event is tagged as Baby Blast Year 3: It’s More Fun in the Family. It’s FREE!!! All you have to do is pre-register.

Read on to know how….


















They started this annual event in 2010 and this year, they continue to spread the importance of Early Head Start (EHS) wherein you are encouraged to teach your children early in life the values of education to promote fun learning, proper physical development and most of all parent-child bonding.

Personally, I practice EHS. Proud to say that I’m my daughter’s first teacher and it’s through me she got interested with “learning” because for her it’s fun. I’ve managed to create a fun and happy learning environment for her and at an early age of 1 year and 8 months, I felt that she was ready for toddler school.

If you’re interested to know how you can gear your child early on life, go to Baby Blast Year 3: It’s More Fun in the Family event. They will be highlight entertaining talks on health, parenting and education from experts, parents and teachers, educational material demos, parent and baby exhibits, as well as booths and fun activities for the kiddos.

From the event organizers:

This year’s activities will give emphasis on the role of each member of the family in the development of babies. There will be EHS demonstrations, an Imagination Corner highlighting books, toys and interactive technologies, as well as a wellness and fitness area for baby and the whole family!

This event aims to have a lasting influence in the education and future of children. We hope you can be part of it!

This event is supported by Outbox Media Events, In cooperation with the Department of Social Welfare and Development, Department of Education and the Philippine Pediatric Society.

To pre-register, proceed to their Facebook account, 

See you there!