Kids nowadays are peppered with gadgets and new hi-tech instruments that seem to pop up every single day. My daughters have tablets for each and now I ask if it’s the best thing to do. I see them using their tablets or in my eldest’s case, plus her phone and computer. While I worry about the quality of stuff they see over the Internet, I also see the benefits that they reap.

My youngest learned of colors, alphabets, numbers and shapes more from her YouTube videos than me. She’s learned other vocabulary from those videos as well! She learned all these at 1 year and 5 months.


My eldest girl fired her passion for tennis by watching tennis matches by Serena and Maria Sharapova through YouTube as well. She’s also learning well via Minecraft.

So really, I am so torn between restricting their usage for x number of hours per day and just allowing them to “tire” of whatever they’re watching and find something else to do.

Then again there’s that logic of keeping everything in balance and encouraging the kids to play outside and be more active physically.

We’ve been doing that too but of course it’s not everyday that the girls would play sports. It’s too taxing and I think they might not enjoy their childhood if I keep telling them what to do instead of letting them what they want to do.

Here I found articles about this topic as well but some reasons are debatable for me. Like what if my daughter’s really thin and exceeding her BMI wouldn’t be a problem at all (teeehee), I mean you get the point.

What’s your take on this?