
Johnson&Johnson’s Baby Shower Promo is Now Open for Nomination

Johnson&Johnson is now back to give 3 lucky expectant Moms a treat- Baby Shower for free

Johnson&Johnson’s Philippines gathered media and bloggers last November 3, 2010 at the Intercon Hotel to promote their Baby Shower Promo. To kickstart the launching, J&J gave 3 celebrity Moms the baby shower of their dreams and shared it with the photos and snippets with the group. 

And now, they’re calling on all pregnant Moms to join in their newest promo. 

So if you know friends or relatives who are pregnant, nominate her at Johnson’s Baby World of First fanpage in Facebook.  (it’s really that easy!)
The promo mechanics are also on their fanpage. 

If she’s chosen to be one of the 3 lucky Moms, a baby shower of her dreams will come true. Plus other breath taking perks like a feature at the Lifestyle Network, one year supply of J&J baby products, baby and Mommy photoshoot, and so much more! 

January is the target month for the Baby shower bash so hurry and nominate your preggy friend or relative ASAP ðŸ™‚

Don’t forget to invite me, ok? 

Here are some of the photos we had during the Johnson&Johnson’s Baby Shower event

Mommy bloggers had fun during the event. As usual Johnson&Johnson’s made a very warm and homey ambiance on their launch. The company were great, good food, good promotion and everybody’s smiling and friendly. Great launch J&J! 
