Is it just me or most Moms are wondering how Grade One lessons these days are waaaayy out of our “old” Grade one lessons?

Peaches is turning Grade 1 this coming school year and though I’m confident she’ll go through it with flying colors, I wanted to give her some push in advance. I opted to enroll her in Kumon Reading class this summer to maintain our study time habit and at the same time nurture her love for reading.


When she’s ready, I’ll also enroll her to Kumon’s Math class. What’s important though is her study habit as this is a great time to instill that foundation which she will surely need in all of her studying years.

What I loved about Kumon is that they make your kids interested with studying and learning. Since you only have 2 days to go to the center, the whole experience isn’t taxing at all. Just make sure your kid does his or her homework everyday. You also have to be there when it’s study time to assist your child and to correct them if they have mistakes. The teacher from Kumon explained to me how and when to correct the child. They have special markings when correcting the errors that your child had and at the same time, the markings will easily tell the Kumon teacher how many times the child got it wrong.

We also got a new Kumon backpack when we enrolled and Peaches was too psyched. She won’t leave our home without it. I felt like her Kumon class was a great investment and she’s even thanking me for enrolling her!

Here’s the Kumon tuition fee that I paid:

Reading class                                          P1,800

1 month Advance payment               P1,800

Enrollment Fee                                       P500

Total payment upon enrollment    P4, 100

How about you, how are you preparing your big girl for Gradeschool?