
Recently my best friend’s, relationship was on the rocks. I’m not in the position to discuss more about it but it made me realize few things about marriage and relationship:

1.If you think you know your partner so well because you’ve been together for years, get over it because you simply don’t.

2. Accept the fact that you are not a mind reader. Say what you feel and make your partner understand what you want.

3. Learn to compromise. Learn to say Sorry, Thank you and I love you.

4. Think of your partner’s feelings as much as yours.

5. Make sure you settle every issue at hand one at a time. And do not bring up past issues every time you argue. Do not count mistakes.

6. Try doing the things that he love, you might be surprised that you like it too. You’ll never know unless you try.

7. Protect your relationship. Don’t tempt the evil.

8. Be honest. Trust your partner with your feelings, thoughts and ideas. The partner comes first before friends. That’s why you married her/him not your friends.

9. Keep the fire burning. Do the things when you were courting her, when you were still boyfriend-girlfriend. Most of us get to a stagnant phase where we are too consumed with our responsibilities at home and at work that we tend to neglect to do these sweet things to our partner.

10. Appreciate your partner and verbalize it.

My marriage is not perfect but we are happy and we do our best to live better. On my part, I strive to be a better wife everyday because this is one of the best things I can give to my husband and child.