When Facebook live was first launched, I projected that web based entrepreneurs will benefit mostly. Well, I’m not wrong but I didn’t realize even direct sellers and retailers will monetize this feature to the max. And what’s very interesting is that Philippine based retailers have picked up on this trend and made it really big.

For weeks, I was at awe with the response of Facebook users buying from live selling on Facebook. From bags, perfumes, soap, to high end jewelries. For me these retailers really pushed their boundaries and opened more opportunities for them.

Why is Live Selling on Facebook such a Huge Success?

It’s because of credibility, ownership and tangibility. As a buyer whether it’s low end or high end item, you’d want to see the item being sold by a credible seller. And Facebook live does that for you. It’s online selling taken one step higher. You get to see the actual product you’re paying for. You get to ask questions about it and get real time answers. Most of all, there’s accountability. You have hundreds of witnesses backing you up that you have bought (mined) an item.

As the seller or retailer, you can easily sell products because you can demonstrate, showcase it, explain its uses and answer questions.

You can even ask your repeat “viewers/buyers” to vouch for you live.

And then there’s scarcity. You’re giving your buyers the urgency to buy your product because of the live competitors they have. It gives them the feeling that they MUST buy it or else someone’s going to get it first.

How do you make it big with Facebook live?

  • Organize your products and categorize them. Put codes and your price for each item.
  • Have someone monitor your live video for comments so you don’t have to stop often to check and answer questions. I suggest that this person writes down questions and hands you the paper to read and answer.
  • Create a good background for your video – possibly not showing piled up stocks and items on disarray
  • Make sure your video is clear – no one wants to watch a blurry live selling!
  • Display your shipping fees because that’s the most asked question and you don’t want to answer it 100x during your live selling.
  • Ask for re-shares of the video. Most sellers, give a gift to the person with the most number of re shares.
  • Have games in between selling. Raffle games, guessing games, etc – of course you’ll have to provide prizes!
  • Announce your schedule of live selling and what items they can expect- 3 days before the schedule, 2 days before, 1 day before and then 30 minutes before your scheduled Facebook live. If you have a Facebook group, you can announce there, if you have an email list, obviously send them reminders as well.
  • Be credible. Own up your products and what you “sell” – you would want repeat customers, wouldn’t you?
  • Look nice and friendly on camera!

What can you do with Facebook live aside from selling products?

Product demonstration – if you’re selling one product and you want your potential buyers to see its uses and functions first hand.

Host Q&A (and then accept booking schedules or orders) – you can announce this days before your schedule so they can prepare questions about your services or product. Towards the end, you can give a link to your booking form or order form.

Cooking demonstration

Interview with an interesting person and viewers can raise questions

As entrepreneurs, we need to be always evolving, adapting to new technologies that can boost our businesses. Keep learning, keep trying and keep breaking boundaries!