
I personally love Maggi Magic Sarap. Winner in all aspects!

I like that Magic Sarap is in grain form which makes it easier to pick and dash. Knorr Real Sarap on the other hand, is in powder form and it sticks to my hands when I need only a pinch or two. With Maggi Magic Sarap, I can buy the bigger pack and store the grains in a container. I usually cook for 3-4 servings so I don’t need the whole sachet. I remember Kris Aquino saying that Maggi Magic Sarap’s sachet is easy to tear, but honestly it’s not. I still need a scissor to cut it although some sachet come off easy but most of them does not. Knorr Real Sarap is the same, I still need to cut it open.
I made this point to clear Kris Aquino’s claim on how easy it is to open Maggi’s sachet.  ðŸ˜›

True enough I can smell the herbs and spices as I open the Knorr’s sachet. Storage wise, you can store it in a pepper or salt shaker but in time it’ll harden and clump. Plus it makes me sneeze (and who wants to sneeze while cooking?!). I always handle ingredients by hand when I cook because I usually don’t measure, I just estimate and season by taste (or feel). One thing about Knorr Real Sarap is that it’s best when you want to marinade or season your meat overnight. The powder easily combines with other ingredients whether liquid or dry.
My verdictMaggi Magic Sarap takes home the Mommy Award. Knorr Real Sarap gets to take home a consolation prize though 🙂