
Yesterday, December 21, was Mamang’s death anniversary. She died of complications from her Diabetes. She was on ICU for over a month when the doctors asked our family to talk and decide over DNR (Do Not Resuscitate). It was a consensus, she was on a DNR. She called all her apos and talked to them, hugged them and kissed them. I was in Manila at that time and was not due home until the 23rd. I talked to her on the phone though, or more like cried to her. She on the other hand, was calm and was even happy.  I can imagine Tatang holding her hand while she went through her ordeal. I was told Mamang didn’t suffer much on her last day, she went peacefully. 

I thought our Christmas that time would be BLACK. I should have known better. 
My Aunts and Uncles decided to give us the same Christmas celebration when Mamang and Tatang were still with us. It was how they would want us to spend Christmas, anyway. 
So, everyone wore white shirts and we had our program at Mamang’s azotea overlooking at her wake. Everyone was in high spirit for a day. 
It was indeed one of my most unforgettable Christmas.  It made me look back and think how as a family, we get through hard times together. 

After that, life was never the same without Tatang or Mamang. At least we have one Christmas to remember and hopefully get us by.