My husband has always been my best supporter, my rock and my great love. We were boyfriend and girlfriend for a long time, enough for him to shower me with cutesy and sweet gifts every chance he gets. There was the unending little and big surprises with hand written love letters and cards secretly tucked in my locker or notebook.


When we got married, things changed. No more sweet love letters, no more flower and balloon surprises and everything else became less. But it was because our priorities changed, our family became three as Peaches was born. We were driven to give her the  best of everything and every penny has to be spent for our family and less for ourselves. We did have a difficult phase and I know there will still be more but each day, we grew, me matured and our wants and needs changed.

The change was for the better. My husband stopped giving me sweet notes but he made sure we ate breakfast together and though we discuss the daily news and the latest FB craze, it was a gesture I appreciate more than anything else. He was there beside me, getting ready for the day ahead.

He stopped giving me flowers or balloons but he made sure he holds my hand. He holds my hand even when we’re just walking or sitting or even when we’re on our own side of the bed reading. Simple gesture, yes, but means a lot, don’t you think?

And on those days when my pregnancy hormones are wonky and it feels like my world is spinning, he lets me sleep in peace; making sure the cats don’t bother me by nibbling on my body parts and keeps Peaches out of our room and occupied without “missing” Mom. There were also days when we couldn’t sleep well at nights because Peaches decided to “own” our bed. He will gladly give me the entire bed so I can catch up on lost sleep. He sleeps in the sofa or Peaches’ small bed instead.

On some helper-less days, he eagerly takes on all household chores so I can rest and “carry” our baby DJ just fine.

How about installing and downloading ebooks on his pad so I can use it while our little girl takes ownership of the iPad.

And did you know that my husband will always add, “I love you so much”! on every single text he sends me. Even if it was a simple, “OK”… he’ll say. “OK, I love you so much!” . Sweet noh?

Recently, my old soul, husband keeps on singing his favorite old songs ala my personal serenade with matching cute dance number.

My husband has been giving me little gifts each day and I’m thankful for it. I am doing my best to do the same. He’s been a great Daddy to  our Peaches and our little bun in the oven.


Our marriage isn’t nearly perfect but we strive to make it perfect and work for us. It’s true that marriage is a work in progress and looking back, marriage for us meant growing with each other. We learned to adjust and reciprocate. We learned to accept and understand. We learned to look forward and less backward. We learned to think of our family first more than anything or anyone else.