In a few days we’re literally moving up! We’re transferring to a bigger condo unit that’s one floor above where we currently live. Minor renovations are on going on our future unit and I was told it’ll be ready by weekend. It’s really exciting moving on to a bigger space and getting “new” furnitures and what nots. Most of all I am too excited to arrange the house and make it well, look like a home. Peaches and Troy are very excited as well. I just wish we don’t turn into pack rats and make the new place too crowded again.


In my entire lifetime, this is my 7th house and my 6th move. First was of course my childhood home then I transferred to Manila for College and lived with my Lola and Uncle, second when I had to move with my friends to a rented bungalow near our University during Med Tech proper, third when I had to move out of the bungalow house and live with my Aunt, fourth I moved out of my Aunt’s house and move to my Lola’s house, fifth was when Troy & I moved to an apartment and sixth was when Troy, Peaches and myself moved to where we currently live. And what did I learn from all of these moving out and moving in?

1. Prepare what you need to bring and what you do not a week before the scheduled move out.
2. Settle bills and have them cut if necessary- cable, landline, internet
3. Ask for help.
4. Collect boxes and newspaper to be used for wrapping breakables and small items.
5. Count your boxes and bags before, during and after moving (make sure the movers are still there after you count)
6. Make a list of everything so you know what’s missing just in case.
7. Wear comfortable clothes.
8. Clean the house prior to moving day.
9. Do the moving in one day.
10. Second day is for rearranging and unpacking

Really all these thoughts are still swimming on my head and I AM ACCOMPLISHING NOTHING!

On another note, this mommy blog will soon transfer to a better host and server đŸ™‚ We’re in the process of transferring my blog to WordPress too which reminds me to look for a nice template again! Do you have suggestions for a template? I’m not worried about my blog’s “moving” day because I have a very reliable friend who does the processing for me. If only moving home is as easy as moving hosts and servers.

How about you, what’s your moving experience? Maybe you can throw me a tip or two!
