
Most of the time, these two do not mix well. Most men get tired of shopping easily they are the get-what-you-first-see shoppers. Where as women, are mostly to scout the entire building then go back to the ones that are worth buying. Although of course in every rule there is an exemption. My lady cousin C (very much single and available) would rather buy whatever comes first than walk in every boutique in the mall.

Getting back on topic…

My husband would never shop for his wardrobe. He’d rather buy magazines, toys for the big boys, and spend on his laptop than look good. I practically do the shopping for him and it works fine since I know his taste and I make sure he could wear it.
While making a quick shop for Peaches, hubbie told me he thinks he needed new tops for work so I dragged him over to the men’s section and told him to choose what he likes. He said I could do it another time since I know what he likes. I insisted.
But he still won, he pointed what he likes and told me I could buy them the day after.
