Last week I wrote about the Immuvit MetaFit Challenge that I took and today I am sharing what I have accomplished since then. I also started on our Week 2 workout plan and I’ll discuss it further later on. So, what did I do on my first week of the challenge?


Exercise motivation

From Days 1-3 though I was really sore I kept doing the routines and I was increasing my pace. By the 4th day, pain was gone and I was on top of the routines.  Truthfully, I did have 1-2 days of slacking off but picked up until I completed day 6th. I didn’t do well on Week 1 because I failed to religiously follow the 6 meals a day plan simply because I let old habits work  got in the way. I was able to sleep early in Week 1 and hopefully I will be able to sustain it even after the 4 week challenge is over. I’ve been very bad with my food choices this week and I just lost a pound 🙁

Another reason to be motivated and do well this week. Perhaps I should print this and post it on my work station:







Immuvit I believe has given me the added energy boost I needed which was apparent to me because I did not take my usual afternoon naps and still felt productive  through out the day. I’m very picky with vitamins and medicines I take. I’m a believer of how resilient our bodies are given that they are well nourished and well provided for that’s why I do not just take medicines or what nots. Immuvit is one of the 2 things I take, the other being Ascorbic acid, I needed the energy boost  since I have to take on a long list of tasks each day. Since I went to green smoothie, I sort of lost interest to coffee fortunately, Immuvit has able to energize me.

Do you feel drained after a long day at work but you still need a boost to do household responsibilities? You might be experiencing SOMATOPAUSE. You can fight Somatopause by doing MetaFit  and arm yourself with Immuvit to have the energy to do the routines.  Plus the nutritional value is amazing!

Immuvit Nutritional Value













On Week 2 my goal is to work harder and lose at least 3lbs. I will do the 4min workout twice a day and see where it gets me. I should also put in a LOT of discipline. This week we are given another batch of routine anaerobic exercises to perform. Yesterday was my Day 1 and so far it’s great. It’s very challenging when you do the routines NON STOP for 4 minutes and you increase your pace every time.

I’m sorry guys I don’t have photos of myself doing the 4-minute workout because I dislike having my photos taken. Maybe when there’s something to show I can finally post some 🙂

Are you looking for the perfect workout that you can do ANYWHERE? This one’s for you! Try MetaFit workout and join me on the challenge. Let’s say YES to being healthy and fit!