What’s your child doing this summer? We’re not off to somewhere this year so I’ve slated summer activities for Peaches. The important thing when planning for your child’s summer activities is to ask her opinion. Does she want to do swimming or ballet? Does she want art classes or voice lessons? Be sure not to push what YOU like 🙂

In our case, Peaches’ first choice is Gymnastic class. Fortunately, we were able to enroll her at Milo’s Sports Clinic at Club Gymnastica Pasig. She’s availing 2 sessions (24 classes) which will end by June 01, 2014. We are currently on our 2nd week and so far the coaches and the facility is really great.

I found out that the gymnastic coaches from Club Gymnastica were trained by Milo on safety and first aid application. All coaches are also very well trained and I can see that they are very particular about the form and proper execution.



Peaches is an awkward little girl because she’s always looking for the safe side. Gymnastics has taught her to take calculated risks and try new things. With bruises, gentle falls and body aches she’s learned to get up even when hurt and try that beam one more time. I appreciate Peaches’ coach because he’s really handled her with patience and taught her over and over again.

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What we want to achieve by June is a more confident and graceful little girl with new friends to talk about in her first week in Grade 1. A big thank you to Milo for holding yearly Summer clinics for little kids. It is true that champions are trained early.

If you want to try a FREE session with Club Gymnastica Pasig, let’s meet up! I’m there every M, W, F from 1:00- 3:30 PM

The schedule for FREE session : April 23, 24, 25

Also, you can choose from other Milo Summer Sports Clinic available in your area- click here!