Who says you’re only allowed to post old photos of yourself or your family and friends on Thursdays? #throwbackthrusdays #tbt as they hash tag it.

I’ve been missing my Lolo (Mom’s side) today and couldn’t get him out of my head so I’m sending him love, prayer and gratitude all day long. When it felt like it was not enough, I scanned an old photo I had with Lolo and my Mom.



I lived in one of the far flung town of Southern Mindanao and my Lolo was Manila based even that didn’t stop him from playing a big role in my life. I’m his only grandchild at the time (in fact, I’m the only grandchild Lolo ever knew because he died years before my other cousins were born) and I felt really loved by Lolo. He’s been always there for me even if he’s miles away. The photo above was taken during one of his surprise visits. He  used to just “appear” out of nowhere and stay with us for several days before leaving again for Manila.

Many of my merry years during childhood was spent with Lolo. I used to visit him, Lola and my Mom’s siblings in Manila every summer. I had to stop at certain age though because I became competitive in Tennis and spent summer vacation on training camps and tournaments.

Lolo Marc, love you so much! I know you’re in heaven happily looking down and taking care of us. Thank you for being with me as always.