It has been a roller coaster ride for me these past few weeks. The risky first trimester was really a quiet scare for both me and my hubs. We were both scared that we tried to show we were fine and happy but deep down we were scared out of our wits. But thank God all is good.


Stressful Job VS Keeping Sane when Pregnant 

Then there was the crucial decision to finally bid goodbye to my client of almost 5 years. It was a difficult decision because I’ve grown to love his businesses that I think I helped grow. I’ve been kicking butt for him since I started working with him. But I was not being productive anymore because I felt that my efforts of working with him were fruitless and our working relationship has sour a bit. Parting was the easiest and most effective way for us.

So now, faced by unemployment and uncertainty… it’s ironic that I feel calm and happier. I have always been one to look at the bright side and I really believe that there’s something greater for me out there. Maybe a better client to work with or finally the means to put up another business.

Working Well 

Speaking of business, since I cut my online clients… I’ve been working hard on my cleaning service business and it has gone from good to great! We were so busy the past weeks due to cleaning schedules… it was tiring but I am really happy.

Holiday Rush

And to top it all, I’ve had several parties and a wedding to attend to. So tiring running around buying presents and outfits for them parties! I wish I have cool ivory 2 at musicians friend for relaxation and some quiet time

The Future

We’re still unsure where it leads but we do have a clear picture on what we want it to be. So here’s to hoping for better and brighter future!