
Name: Leah B. Paningbatan

Nickname: Leah

Short Bio: Freelance architect, part time mountaineer, full time vegetarian

Name of Business: Bureaucraft Design Services / Foodstock Philippines




What kept you busy before you became a Pinaypreneur?  Besides being a freelance architect, m managing 2 of our businesses ( Bureaucraft & Ambay) but now loving my new adventure with my new business which is about food/bottled goodies (Foodstock)

What made you decide to become a Pinaypreneur and start your own business?  I want to spend more time with my family

Tell us about your business, what is it about? Foodstock is all about providing healthier and better options to everyday dishes, snacks, and condiments. Our meatless take on common family ingredients and dishes are packed with so much flavor and nutrients they’re good to have every day! Plus, they’re all locally sourced and homemade…with love.

How did you start your business? The urge to share our family’s recipe  & principles (since vegetarian lahat ng products)

How do you promote your business and how do you find your target market?  Right now thru fb lang

What challenges do you have in your business? Finding time to do it.. its balancing my time with my kids or to do r&d for my new business..

What are you the most proud of in terms of your business? That its made with love hahahah no preservatives lahat ng items.. but on the downside, i couldnt promise long shelf life for my goods 🙁 3-4 wks for pesto.. kimchi/achara could last long if refrigerated but the chili garlic & bagoong umabot daw 6months according to one of my friends

What are your future plans for your business?  To add more varieties

How do you manage your time between your business, your personal life, and your family?  I couldnt 🙁 but i need to discipline myself more siguro


What advice can you give to aspiring entrepreneurs who are thinking of becoming one? As nike would say it, just do it!:) but you must have discipline to make it work


+632 3456 697 landline

09200920860 / 09232526685

Min. delivery charge of P75 for a minimum order of P300.00

shelf life: 3-4weeks. Refrigerate after opening.