>To celebrate Octoberfest my dearest friends and I went to a bar and drank merrily. It was fun and a break that all of us deserved. We’ve all been stress at work and home that the mini get together recuperated us from whatever stress that’s been hampering us. 

Octoberfest is big in the Philippines and since I was in College we’ve been celebrating it and drinking merrily with friends, singing along with our favorite bands. During this time, beers are usually insanely cheap (and overflowing). 

But apparently as you grow older, you tend to consume less beer and go home earlier than usual. We went home before 12 midnight (imagine!)

We were a group of 5 and we only spent P773.00 with 5 buckets of beer (5 x 6 bottles) plus 2 plates of finger foods. Amazing, eh?
That’s at Kudos bar at Metrowalk, Ortigas. They were 50% off at that time and we were lucky! 

Let’s drink and be merry! 🙂 Drinking isn’t bad for our health when done in moderation.
