
Charlie St. Cloud, is a story of brothers who are supportive of each other and promised to be together until the end and then a tragic accident turned their lives upside down. 

Charlie, the eldest of the St. Cloud brothers, is very popular in high school and received a boating scholarship from a prestigious University. He’s well loved by his mother and younger brother. His future is well planned until that tragic accident. 

Sam, the youngest of the St. Cloud brothers, is this smart and witty boy who’s equally well loved by all. He died in a car accident on the night of Charlie’s graduation which left his family wounded especially Charlie. 

When Sam died, Charlie was unable to move on. Instead, he made a promise to meet his dead brother at the same time everyday at the woods to play catch with him. He declined his scholarship and took a job as a care taker at their town’s cemetery. This is where the story evolves. 

The first scenes of the film were compelling, interesting and face paced. But as the story unfolds, it gets dragging as the pace slows down. I really think that the director or the makers of this film could have done better. I remember the famous tag line of the movie, “Trust your heart if the seas catch fire, live by love though the stars walk backward”. As you will learn from the movie, the quote is from E.E Cummings which means taking chances in life.  The filmmakers could have created a better story line from that quote and thus created a better script. I didn’t think that the quote/tag line was given justice on this film. 

Thanks to Zac Efron, his acting skills have gone from a teeny-booper-loved crazed high schooler to a hundred notch higher–that for me was the saving grace of the film. Zac showed impeccable acting skills which  I’m afraid was put to waste.

In the end, I was still moved by the story. I just wished the storyline and the scenes are better and well thought of. So, a 5 out of 10.