Business Partners: Mayreen Importa   with partners: Anne Uy, Marianne Mecias, Reyzalyn So, Caren Cornejo, Marie Louie Gay Bermechea, Ricci Melecio, Beverly Joaquin, Janice Castillo,  Maribeth Mercado

Nickname: May

m importa 8r silk

Name of Business: Sasta La Vie! Inc.

Short Bio: Sasta La Vie! Inc. is a global company which aims to make life happier and more meaningful through creating heartwarming events and inspirational products for its thoughtful and loving customers.


1. What kept you busy before you became a Mompreneur?

I was an Executive for a distribution company and helped out in the family businesses before I got pregnant with my firstborn afterwhich I became a fulltime mom.

2. What made you decide to become a Mompreneur and start your own business?

There was a time while being a fulltime mom, where I felt that there’s something missing. I think personal growth in terms of using the gifts God has given me. I prayed to God about it at that time I don’t know what was missing I just felt something and I asked God to fill that part up. A year after I had an inspiration of creating a business where God can use our gifts to let people feel His love and at the same time bless people within the business by providing livelihood to the less fortunate esp parents of streetkids so they need not beg anymore and for the employees to be part owner by giving them a chance to be partners of the business through stocks.

3. Tell us about your business, what is it about?

It’s about inspirational heartwarming and full of love crafts, events and services.

4. How did you start your business?

I asked friends who’d be interested to be part of the vision and from there built a corporation. We’re just in the initial phase where the business is still evolving.

5. How do you promote your business and how do you find your target market?

First we start with the partners, Im thankful they want to give the business a try and are the first customers and through their event, we showcase our products where other people get to see what we can do. We also market to our friends and family. We also conduct unique loving events to bless individuals and families and at the same time introduce our company to them.

6. What challenges do you have in your business?

Right now nobody’s fulltime. We don’t have an employee yet and sometimes the work seems quite overwhelming.

7. What are you the most proud of in terms of your business?

Our business has a heart and a spark. There’s something different with the way we do things that people notice, that people feel. When we do things, we pray for our clients. We pray that God bless them more. We pray for the guests like in events for the people who will receive our souvenirs or the products we make. We pray for their lives, their families, their dreams.

8. What are your future plans for your business?

With God’s help we hope to expand globally =) To create a system and organization that can go global. Internally we pray we’ll be able to provide more livelihood even to provinces.

9. How do you manage your time between your business and your family?

I have to know my priorities, which is foremost my family, my kids. I work at home, and whenever my kids want to be with me, I prioritize them. Sometimes it’s a struggle especially when you have deadlines. But through time, I think God is showing me, that when I prioritize my family, things fall into place.

10. What advice can you give to fellow Moms who are thinking of becoming a Mompreneur?

Enjoy what you’re doing, enjoy the business and always know your priority which I hope is family, the kids =)

We’d like to invite everyone to an early Christmas Family Bonding Event, Santa Family! Gift Love on Christmas Day! On December 7, 2014 1:00-6:00pm at One Pacific Place Serviced Residences 161 H.V. Dela Costa Street, Salcedo Village, Makati City, Metro Manila, Philippines. It’s an event where the family will enjoy doing Christmas gifts like No Bake Oatmeal Cookie, Christmas Card, Thumbprint Frame, Snowglobe and Special Décor plus a talk on Increasing Love in the Family: Making it Christmas Everyday by Ichel Ignay!

For details pls. go to our website or email us at

You may also contact us at 09178636367 or 5061926.