>hey moms can wish too..

Dear Santa,

I may not be the best person in the whole world but many times this year, I had been to other people. If you remember, I became a mom early this year and my life had to stop and turn 360 degrees. I gladly took it and learned along the way. If you think I deserve some loving too, please do not hesitate to give me any of these:

1. Digital Camera – badly needs one. I can’t properly document Peaches’ milestones thus the lack of her photos in this blog.

2. Cellphone – note that I didn’t say NEW cellphone. Maybe second hand will do. It was months since I lost my phone and to date I still refuse to buy one. I’m too frugal. But the need for it arises.

3. My very own XPS M1530 Dell Lappy -Bes told me he might get me one…*oh, please please please*

4. Small TV – We don’t need a big one.

5. Spa treatment – God knows I badly need one

6. New outfit – though I rarely go out, a lady needs to dress up too

7. Great lipbalm and lipgloss from MAC or Shue – that’s make up for me

8. Vacuum Cleaner!!!!! – do I need to say why???

9. Devilbiss Nebulizer for Peaches

10. More positive friends to make me look at life a lot brighter!!!

So, St. Nick I’m telling you this so you’ll have plenty of time to fulfill my list. teehee.

truly yours,