
Have you heard of the latest craze? It’s women buying fake-but-not-so-fake baby dolls. Complete with veins and beating heart. Aside from it’s tacky for the doll costs $100-$400 at ebay, it’s a mockery of some kind to our real babies. Some of the “reborn” fanatics claim to “be healed” from a loss of a child. But I fierily disagree! NOTHING can absolutely heal us from a loss of a child. It merely provides you with an excuse to live in the past and make pretend that the loss never really occurred.

Anyway, though I think people treating reborns as real babies are insane, there’s still a good part on all this… on the artistic point of view I’d say the carvers and the face painters did a truly awesomely creepy job! Three cheers to them on that!

And there’s the doll collectors…well, I don’t have anything against them. It’s their passion and all that… All I’m so against are the people treating these fake babies like real ones and worse are the people who think these are better than real babies!

Yeah talk about changing diapers all your life. Talk about crying babies all your life. Talk about unfulfilled “motherhood” because you won’t see those reborns grow beautifully like real babies do, won’t you?

Here’s the story and some pics of those creepy dolls

Be good always,