>I grew up with Sony. Our television was Sony and my Tatay bought me Sony walkman for Christmas too but that’s not when I truly felt my first experience with Sony. At that time it didn’t matter what brand they gave me I was young, what do I know? Besides, my Tatay buys all electronic appliances we had and so he gets to decide which brands to buy. Well I should say brand because it was always Sony. When I asked why Sony, he starts his lengthy explanation about high definitions, surround sound, best quality, and stuff I forgot.

At the time when ballroom dancing first raved, my Mom was always out on weekends to go dancing. Even if cows started singing, Tatay won’t be caught dancing. On some weekends, Mom would stay home because she feels guilty leaving Tatay alone. Until one day, Tatay went home carrying big boxes with him. He asked me to fetch Mommy and we will open the boxes together. I was too excited to notice the words printed on the box. There it was, our first and last Sony Compact Disc complete with speakers and amplifiers.

“What’s this for Tay?, What’s the occasion?”, my Mom asked.
“It’s for you.”, he replied.
“But I don’t need one”
“Yes, you do. Because now you can invite over your friends for a night of ballroom dancing that way we (meaning he and I) could watch you dance too. I could cook dinner for your friends if you want.” was the best reply a husband could say.

It was from there that I realized how much they love each other. They work things out to be able to support each other.

They did have weekend ballroom party and they were pretty famous for hosting the best one. Mom’s friends started bringing their husbands with them and they started a party of their own, playing cards. I on the other hand became friends with their sons and daughters.
From then on, I know now why Tatay chose Sony. Only the best for the two women he loves the most!

If you were wondering why I said it was our first and last, because to date my parents are still using the Sony player. Maybe they have issues letting it go. But then who can blame them? It definitely gave significance in my life just like the Sony’s World’s First Slimmest Camera with Optical Image Stabilizer: Cyber-Shot T77 which will make my moments with my own family treasured and never forgotten.