
Opppss…don’t leave yet. I’m not about to rant and wallow on my emotional and whatever shietz frustrations that you are prolly thinking right this moment. What I really meant was my “artistic frustrations”. I was never an artistic person even how much I try to be. I get great ideas but I just never know how to apply them and make it happen. In fact, I get so much ideas that one artist needs to succeed. Frustrating isn’t it? Sometimes, there are just pictures and flashes of awesome ideas in my head that I can’t even express them.
I think God was suppose to create me with super artistic talent and started on giving me super artistic mind but forgot to give the actual super artistic skills.

Okay help me de-clutter my mind (which I think I badly needed to do) here are things I can think of:

1. I want to sew. I want to create dresses for Peaches with nice, simple and comfortable designs like the ones, these awesome lady do at Make It and Love It . I salivate everytime I read her blog. I want to have a blog like hers. Crafty!

2. I want to do digital scrap booking! I don’t know how to start though.

3. I want to decorate the house!  But it’s too small I can barely move! And it will prolly cost an arm and a leg.

4. I also wanted to learn to do make up…not the usual everyday make up…the real HMUA!

5. I want to draw and paint! (oh please, I can barely draw houses and sticks!)

Oh well maybe someday when my days aren’t as crazy as these days… Maybe one day I will be able to do all that..As my boss usually say, one step at a time 🙂

How about you what’s your frustration? Are they anything like mine?
