Have you submitted your entry at Samsung’s bye bye bad photos contest? I’m sure you have one photo of the 3 categories (if not all of the 3 categories!). I just submitted my entry on the jumpshot fail category:

sidenote: please LIKE my photo http://apps.facebook.com/byebyebadphotosgal/jumpshot.php

This photo was taken last year with my travel buddies and we were so excited to see the very beautiful facade of the Treasury in Petra, Jordan and we decided to ask our other companion to take our jumpshot photo. This was perfected after 4 attempts! And you can only imagine how tired we were from the jumping (and the walking going to the treasury) that we had to go through.

Joining the Samsung bye bye bad photo contest is easy:


If you win, you get to bring home a Samsung 2View Camera (ST700 model) which has a dual screen feature found on the front and back.

If that is not enough for you to feel motivated and join, wait till you hear that this newest model from Samsung camera has cool features which are:

A built in “Child Mode” feature where you can now download or create your own animation to keep your kids’ smiling and entertained when you take their photos. Bye bye bored and sad baby photos!

And it also has a “Jump Shot” feature which offers a visual count down in its front LCD screen, before taking three fast shots of you and you friends jumping and smiling. Bye bye failed jumpshot photos!

See, it’s very tempting to join, plus it’s easy! Go ahead and compete with my jumphshot fail entry 😉