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My parents live abroad and my own family and I are based here in the Philippines. Every year, we visit our parents except for this year when  I got pregnant and gave birth. So it was really hard for me when I first heard the news that my Mom was brought to the ER and is undergoing Angiogram.


This all happened on my Dad’s birthday last November 11. I knew something was wrong because they were not online on Skype or Viber to “celebrate” the day with us. At first I thought because they were both tired from celebrating with their friends so I waited for another day.The next day, they were not online again which is really weird because my Dad’s ALWAYS online (well, except when he’s mad at me or something). So I called my Mom’s cellphone and it went to voicemail- which again made me feel uncomfortable. I dialed my Dad’s and he answered but I knew first thing I heard from his voice that something’s not right.

So turns out, my Mom had a mild heart attack. Good thing she didn’t ignore it and asked to be brought to her doctor. She was at work when this happened so my Dad had to get her and they both drove to her doctor. My Mom’s hypertensive and she’s taking meds for that. The good doctor examined her and did a cardiogram. He immediately called for emergency services and wrote them an admission letter. My Mom was brought to Kaiser Permamente’s ER and was prepped for angiogram because there was blockage in one of her heart arteries. My Dad was given 3 options:

1. The blockage is minimal and can be flushed  and that they will be sent home.

2. The blockage is flushed but will require a stent or a balloon. (see image)

This leaflet was handed out to my Dad at Kaiser Permamente


3. Mom might need bypass.

With God’s graces, my Mom had option #2.  After angiogram, the blockage was flushed out and a stent was put to make sure her arteries are kept open. She then had to stay for 1 more night in the hospital since she also needed Potassium because her levels went critically below normal.

I thank her doctor for acting fast (if not, she could have suffered a more serious heart attack in 2 days), the Filipino nurses on duty during her stay at Kaiser Permamente and to the doctors who performed the invasive procedure to her heart. With much love, I pray that the blessings be returned to you a hundred fold.

If there’s anything you’ll learn from our experience… DO NOT IGNORE CHEST PAINS no matter how tolerable it is. Better be safe than sorry.