What’s Your No-Brainer Recipe?

All Moms have those,yes? Mine’s a roasted herb chicken or roasted whatever-I-have-in-the-fridge chicken! It’s so easy to do, here’s how:

1. Take out your whole chicken out of the freezer to thaw.

2. Wash the chicken inside and out making sure water runs through and through on it’s cavity.

3. Place in a baking dish and slather skin with butter and inserting butter between the skin and the meat.

4. Place garlic cloves inside the chicken together with whatever you can think of (or have)- lemon grass, Maggi Magic sarap, Thyme, Rosemary or just salt.

5. Close the cavity by tying both feet. Make sure it’s tight enough to keep the moisture inside.

6. Put more herbs on the skin and between the skin for more flavor.

7. Let it stand for at least 30 mins. pre-heat the oven to 300-350 C

8. Pierce your chicken with your oven’s rotisserie rod. Place inside the oven with the baking dish under the chicken to keep the chicken drippings.

9. You have the option to check your chicken from time to time to bathe it with the drippings on the baking dish. But when I’m too busy working, still works if I don’t do this step 😀

10. I usually cook it for 1 hr and 30 mins and another 10 to just let it sit still inside the oven after I turned off the heat.

So easy and always a big hit to my family. If I still have veggies (potatoes, carrots, beans), I put it on the baking dish and let it bake with the chicken, perfect side dish and it’s healthy too!