I wanted to have one for the longest time but I was so busy and had so gazillion things to worry about. But I believe this is the perfect time to start a blog. Where to start where to start?

Today we got the 1st batch of our wedding pics from MetroPhoto.
here’s the link: http://mymetrophoto.blogspot.com/
and for more pics: http://metrophoto.smugmug.com/gallery/3963738#230330266

I liked the outcome and because Troy and I are both camera whores, we had uber high energy for more pictorials! Can’t wait to see the remaining shots. As per Oly’s text, more nice ones to come!
Got really great feedbacks from my friends and from W@W.

That’s the highlight of my day so far. It’s still early but I’m feel so sleepy. Maybe because I’m preggy and my hormones dictate that I should be sleeping. I’m still waiting for 10:00 for AXN’s House,MD….My hubbie and I snuggle and munch something while watching the ever sarcastic Dr. Gregory House.

ahhhhhh.. more to come! It’s nice having a blog. I should have done this earlier so that I wouldn’t be frantically typing whatever comes to mind!