Press Release from Absolute Pure Distilled Drinking Water

Mommy Tips only from Absolute Pure Distilled Drinking Water 

A new year marks a new start. Moms are often the ones most excited about the new season, as it signals another year of memories and milestones for their families. Make it your best year so far with these mommy tips.

Clean and Give Away. The New Year is the best time to do the one thing you’ve been meaning to do for a long time: cleaning out your closet. Make it fun by asking your kids to join you. Turn it into a mini-game that can also teach them a thing or two about giving things they no longer use to those in need. Clearing out your closets at the beginning of the year will leave room for new things to come in 2014. Like a brand new rock n roller cart with shelf at wwbw for your bedroom or home office.

Try New Things. Get out of your routine rut and try new things with your family. It could be as simple as trying out a new recipe at home, or even going to a mall you haven’t visited before. The new year is also a good time to try a new activity: a new sport for the kids and a new workout routine for you. Maybe 2014 is the year you finally find the fitness regimen you’ve been dreaming of.

Evaluate and Make Necessary Changes. What were the things that worked for you in 2014? Was it your morning routine with the kids? What were the things that didn’t work and you might need to improve on? A new season gives us all a chance not just to re-evaluate our past choices, but also to make necessary changes. One of the greatest choices a mother can make is to keep what’s been working so well.

All over the country, mothers are starting the year on a safe and clean note with Absolute Pure Distilled Drinking Water. Ensuring that their families start their year right with only the best, moms choose the water that is certified by the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF). For the mom who wants nothing but the best for her family, Absolute is the way to go.


Normally I don’t post Press Releases as it is. But this particular one merits it’s own posting. I’ve been an Absolute Drinking water believer since my daughter, Peaches was born. And now that I’m again pregnant to our 2nd child, I’m sure to use Absolute on her/his early years of life.