Luzy is 10 months and 2 weeks old today and she’s had many firsts in the past months. We all know she’ll continue to have more firsts and though I may not be as diligent as I was with Peaches in documenting each of her firsts, it is clearly imprinted in my mind… our minds.


I guess you can say, having two kids plus running a business and household chores can do that to you. So any help I get I am very appreciative and more so with products that make my life easier.

One of these products is Pampers. Though admittedly it’s one of the priciest diapers in the market, I still go with them because of the dry protect thingy majigs that it provides my baby’s bumbum.

Pampers Baby Dry Pack shot

Like you, I tried all kinds of diaper brands when Luzy was a lot younger but we kept coming back to pampers because she’s had bouts of nasty diaper rash (doesn’t help that Luzy has super sensitive skin) that I turn my butt around to find the diaper that works well.

The new Pamper’s dry offers 12hours of protection and this is what we use at night with no trouble at all. Luzy wakes up all smiles in the morning and I feel that she doesn’t need to change her diapers immediately. I guess if you really think about it, it’s not as pricey because you don’t have to change nappies every 2-3 hours or so (unless of course your babe pooped).

Luzy has been teething (her first 2 teeth!) and she’s been pooping like crazy these past few days (indirectly caused by teething, of course) and I bought cheaper nappies to use in  the day but that was a mistake. She’s had her nasty diaper rashes again…only it’s worst because of her frequent pooping. It has been terribly horrible for her and me.

I hope it’s not yet too late to switch back to Pampers again.

Here are some information I got from the Pamper’s Baby Dry Launching:

Complementing the event’s theme Love at First Sight, Pampers featured its newest brand ambassador, first-time mom Andi Manzano-Reyes. Present to welcome Andi to the Pampers family, as well as enlighten mommy guests about the company’s newest surprises were communications manager of P&G (Singapore), Inc. Lisa Cunningham, country marketing manager of P&G Distributing (Phils.), Inc. Jan Ang and brand manager Camille Aquino.

(L-R) country marketing manager of P&G Distributing (Phils.), Inc. Jan Ang, brand ambassador Andi Manzano, Gelli Victor, and communications manager of P&G Distributing (Singapore), Inc. Lisa Cunningham


How about you, what was your baby’s firsts so far? Or do you remember their firsts?