
Hubbie and I have this ritual on the eve of Chinese New Year, we wear BRAND NEW red underwear and cut a portion off our hair and throw it on the trash. Of course all these for good luck. I even had to find red underwear or jammies for Peaches to wear too.
This idea was from a Chinese Pathologist I worked with at St. Luke’s College of Medicine
and he said it’s one of their beliefs.

Anyways, earlier today hubbie and I went to Quaipo to buy veggies and fruits. They are way cheaper than the ones sold at the supermarket (and I think they’re fresher too). We bought round fruits for luck, offered a prayer at Quiapo church, and had the grandest time squeezing our way through waves of people on the streets of Quiapo. It was a great experience, I loved it. Hubbie did too. He wanted to come back on our next ‘able day’.

We planned to celebrate the New Year watching fireworks at the rooftop or at the veranda but my companions are now snoozing their way to dreamland. Hubbie’s too tired (he’s from a night shift and didn’t sleep all day) and Peaches is tired from a party she attended with my in-laws.

But why is it so quiet outside? It’s 11:22PM, I thought I would
have been watching fireworks by then….

Cost cutting?