Peaches’ class had their Day with God today. It’s their retreat since they’re graduating from preschool. Parents were encouraged to be in school to surprise the kids. We were also asked to prepare a scrapbook as our gift for the girls.

Peaches didn’t have any idea we were coming and I suppose all of her classmates too. The girls were seated between two empty chairs and were blind folded, the parents were then ushered inside the retreat hall and were instructed to stand QUIETLY in front of our daughter. QUIETLY because up until that point the girls didn’t know the parents were coming. They were only told to wait for God’s greatest blessing to them 🙂

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When the blind fold came off, they were all so surprised and happy! The room filled with hugs and kisses and giggles and laughter. It was really nice. I bet all the girls were so happy!

We were given few minutes to bond and talk about the scrapbook and more hugs and kisses!

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The girls then went up the mini stage and sang the song that they’ve been practicing for a week. It was really cute. And they were all so happy and giddy!

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I love that at such a young age, the girls are taught about loving and taking care of the people around them and recognize the blessings they get from God everyday.