
Today, Peaches met my two Aunts (my Mom’s sisters) who are both based in Qatar and my grandmother who lives in Bataan  (3-hour drive from Manila).
As always she charmed them with her sweetest smile and with her antics. They couldn’t get enough of her. Though lola couldn’t carry her anymore because Peaches is too heavy. Lola said I should give birth to more babies as my genes and T’s are good.lol. Love your own? 🙂

Peaches received money as gift, a cute pouch and a doll taller than her. (I should post pics one of these days) We also had gifts for them and my cousins who couldn’t tag along because they had classes. 

I realized Peaches is getting the attention I had when I was little. Since my mom is the eldest of 5 siblings, I was the first and only apo (grand daughter)for the longest time. In fact, my 4 other cousins (each sibling has 1 child) didn’t get to meet our grandfather. I had everyone’s 100% attention and I always get the greatest gifts from them. And today, Peaches is their first great grand daughter and grand daughter (for my aunts) so she’s getting all the nicest gifts. Not that I’m counting…I’m just saying, history does repeat itself.