
My baby’s 14 months now and she’s accomplished pretty much and gave T and I many smilestones. She’s memorized the names of the people she sees everyday. No, she can’t say their names yet but she’s attempting to, she can only point at the person when asked, “Where’s Granny?”, “Where’s Ate Myrna?” and “Where’s Andre?”, etc etc.
She calls Grampy- PIPI
She calls Ate Myrna- TEH
She calls yaya- yaya
She calls Lolo Tatay- TATA
She calls Daddy- DIDI
She calls Mommy- MOMMY, MIMI, MAMA
She says GRAPES- epsss (her current favorite)
She says Milk- Meyk, MIMIK
She asks for water- MAMAM while pointing at the fridge
She calls Jollibee- BEE
She calls her stuff toys- BIBI (baby)
She points at herself and say- MIMI BIBI
She calls Barney- BABA

She’s been very playful when around us butI observed that she’s on the stage where she’s doing parallel play with other kids. Sometimes when she’s with her older playmates, she’s satisfied being sitted on a chair or a rocker while watching them play, squealing and laughing with them.

And I think SM Megamall will go bankrupt because Peaches kept on eating ‘something’ from the supermarket and we always always fail to pay for it. The last time, she was inside the grocery cart with her Dad looking after her, she managed to pick grapes and ate a bunch of it with her Dad oblivious to what was happening. We discovered it because of the ‘remnants’.

Here’s our Peaches on her usual wacky moood: