I feel down today and what better way to pick me up but to talk about my pride and joy, Peaches. A hug and kiss from her wipes Mom’s tears away.


Peaches is now 3 years and 7 months old. She’s growing up so well and honestly, I’m not sure if I can still keep up, you know with work and stuff that you need to do before the husband gets home and then still do an effort to look happy and gay—oppss, okay no rant…….

Peaches is very fond of singing and dancing, playing with dough, her kitchen and listening to her iPod. She loves Pororo, Hand Manny, Mickey Mouse & friends, Supah Strikas and Dibo. She lost her interest with Barney, Dora and Boots but is now jumping up and down with Dora & the explorer girls (yes Dora grew up too!).

She wants to be a doctor and a Tinkerbell when she grows up (But sometimes she also wants to be a mermaid or a ballerina). She still loves to “play” study time which means answering her activity books (she calls it homework) that I buy for her or something I printed off the Internet, she also loves to color and yes, draw (though most of the time I can’t figure out what it is).

She now has an almost perfect grasp of the Alphabet and numbers but is still confused with E and C. She can count upto 50 or something. Her English vocabulary is great and we are definitely improving with her Tagalog as well (she can translate English-Tagalog).

Her problem area I suppose is lack of physical activity such as a sport. She is also very lazy in writing. She pretends not to know how to write her name but I know she can because she was writing Peaches a few months back.

She also lost some of her baby fats already. You can see a leaner and more slender physique but her weight (my gosh, the weight) is heavier than the normal. She can still finish 5 bottles (that’s 7oz each) of milk every night and takes about 3 7oz. bottles during the day. But that’s not all, she eats breakfast, lunch, merienda, dinner (and sometimes merienda again). I wonder why she’s not super chubby at this rate. I hope it’s because she’s blessed with a body-perfect metabolism.

She was never really sick the past months and I thank God for it.

Peaches is really sweet. She says I love you, Thank you, Welcome and Please (oh and we are working with her PO and OPO).

I can write on and on but the kitchen is calling me to whip up something for dinner. So I’m leaving you my LSS for the day(thanks to Peaches for watching it million times over):


written: August 4, 2011 by Renz