
Bubbly as ever, my dear Peaches is now 21 kilos and growing heavier each day. She still has a good appetite and witty as ever. She’s learned a lot since the last Peaches Update

Peaches is now in Nursery Class and is friends with her classmates and schoolmates. She’s showing leadership skills, friendship and love to her favorite classmates, teachers, and family members. Peaches is very verbal, she expresses her wants, her feelings very well. I love that I can reason with her and she rarely throws tantrums–and when she does, it’s nothing I or her Dad can’t handle. 

I feel so lucky to have her as my daughter. She’s everything a Mom would ever want. I thank God each day for giving her to me and to my family. With her mere presence, everyone’s life is sunshiney! 
She’s so smart and funny too. There’s been so many witty lines she said that I lost track. 

Like a normal toddler, she’s asking questions endlessly. She’s very curious and a very daring toddler. She’s had accidents—the major one was just last weekend— but she always come out strong and happy. 

Everyday, there’s always something new she learns and I learn with her 🙂
She can now count from 1-25, she knows where right and left is, she knows her alphabet, she knows the Philippine and China flag, she knows all sorts of animal sounds, she knows the weather, she sings and dances, she has her own version of ballet, she remembers things, events, people well.

I remember this very touching Nescafe coffee commercial which asks what’s your reason for getting up each day, and mine is to wake up excited to learn new things, explore and play with Peaches. 

Our model-wanna be 🙂 

Have a Peachy Day, everyone! 
