
HK Int’l Airport with JB an ex-PBB. JB was meeting his family for a HK vacation.

On the bus from Lantau Island to Ocean Terminal. Notice that T’s not around. He’s somewhere
busy with the “pasaways”.

Costa Alegra. It’s huge wouldn’t fit on our
lowtech cam. But it’s not as big as the Star Cruises.

At Halong Bay, Vietnam. Famous here are the rock formations on the bay itself.

At Vietnam the ship had to dock far from the shore, we had to take a barge
from the ship going to the shore. It took us 40mins or so for a VERRRRRYYY short distance.
It was sailing reeeeeaaalllllyyyy slow considering it has a motor on it.
On our way to the Venetian in Macau.
We had a side trip to Macau and for me I enjoyed it more than the cruise itself.
T was with us the whole time we were at Macau and it felt like a real vacation.Italian guy at the Venetian after their “street performance”.
The place is really incredible! I loooooveee loooveee Venetian!
I hope someday I get to actually stay on it’s hotel!
This bus actually is a free bus by the Venetian. From the Macau Terminal to the Venetian.

I’ve been to Macau a couple of times already but this attraction was new to me
since this just opened. It’s the Fisherman’s Wharf.
You can actually hike on the volcano but we didn’t have the time we had to catch our
ferry back to HK for our trip back to Motherhomeland.

Part 2 comin’ up!