>I can never remember how many times I tried starting Peaches on potty training. How many times did I think she was ready but I was wrong. The key was being patient and never insist. If the child is not ready, don’t push it simply won’t work. And did you know that forcing a child to be potty trained is traumatic to them? That this could give a child psychological effects in the future. It’s true, we studied this at Nursing School.

Honestly, I couldn’t remember when my daughter started potty training and finally became diaper free. No, it didn’t happen over night but maybe it took so long (or not) that I lost track. 
Here are the things I did but I do not guarantee that this would work on you and your child but I hope you’ll learn a thing or two:
1. I invite my daughter to the toilet and ask her to accompany me while Mommy weewees. I allow her to flush the toilet for me too because she enjoys it. This somehow encouraged her to weewee like Mommy. 
2. I show her pictures of toddlers sitting on the toilet
3. Every morning when she wakes up, I remove her diaper and make her pee on the toilet and make her wear cotton undies. I asked her to tell Mommy when she wants to weewee. We’ve had millions of accidents but eventually, she learned the ways. 
4. When it’s diaper-free time, I make sure I ask her often if she wants to pee because sometimes she forgets and when she feels like peeing, it’ll be too late. 
At 2.5 years old she’s potty trained! Except when she’s sleeping at night, we travel or dine out, I make her wear diapers.
My next dilemma is- this month school’s starting and I’m still contemplating if it’s a good idea to make her wear diapers at school or not. Maybe I should just ask her 🙂

But her being diaper free at home saved as money and I am looking forward to saving more when she’s a bit older and won’t have to use diaper at night 😉

Have fun potty training your toddler!

Patience is king 🙂