
One past Christmas, my Uncle Jun who lived in the States, came to spend the holidays with us. He was fond of me and we always play together. On one of our playtimes, I accidentally broke his eyeglasses . Of course he didn’t get mad, it’s one of the perks of being a child, you always get away. But he was forced to wear ugly pair from the local store in the whole duration of his stay.
So, what better time to give him an eyeglasses as a present? It’s just perfect!
I was browsing through the INTERNET when I came across Optical4Less.com. They offer prescription eyeglasses for $15! They would also ship them for free (worldwide shipping) if you buy two pairs (might as well buy one for my Tatay). Their complete prescription eyeglasses comes with a free Anti-reflective coating for free. There were plenty of styles to choose from and it was easy for me to find one that would fit my Uncle’s lifestyle. Plus they are all trendy! I’m sure he’ll like what I got for him.
They also have photo chromic sunglasses which you can try on through their virtual try-on system.

If I order now, Uncle Jun will receive the eyeglasses within a week. He can even wear it on Christmas Day!

If you want to be sure, here’s some of the costumers who raved about this cool product