>Tomorrow President elect Noynoy Aquino will swear to office and with that comes hope among my countrymen. Here are his cabinet members: (DILG position was left unnamed for now)

Paquito Ochoa Jr., Executive Secretary
Julia Abad, Presidential Management Staff
Edwin Lacierda, Presidential Spokesperson
Eduardo de Mesa, Presidential Legal Counsel
Sec. Alberto Romulo, retained for Foreign Affairs
Cesar Purisima, Finance
Leila de Lima, Justice
Voltaire Gazmin, National Defense
Cayetano Paderanga, NEDA
Br. Armin Luistro, Education
Florencio Abad, Budget and Management
Rep. Proceso Alcala, Agriculture
Usec. Ramon Paje, Environment and Natural Resources
Jose de Jesus, Transportation and Communication
Rosalinda Baldoz, Labor and Employment
Dr. Enrique Ona, Health
Gregory Domingo, Trade and Industry
Alberto Lim, Tourism
Corazon Soliman, Social Welfare and Development
Mario Montejo, Science and Technology
Jose Almendras, Energy
Rogelio Singson, Public Works and Highways
Virgilio delos Reyes, Agrarian Reform
Teresita Deles, Adviser on the Peace Process
Patricia Licuanan, Commission on Higher Education
Kim Henares, Bureau of Internal Revenue
Former Chief Justice Hilario Davide will lead a “Truth Commission” which will “collate data on who committed what.”
Aquino will handle the Department of Interior and Local Government, pending talks with three nominees for the portfolio.
Maj. Gen. Ric David will become Armed Forces of the Philippines Chief of Staff; Gen. Jesus Verzosa is retained as Philippine National Police chief.
