Working from Home is a blessing. It’s an opportunity that not everyone else could have. But working from home can also be taxing especially when motherly duties are demanded from you. In all of my clients, I always maintain that I’m a WAHM and it means my schedule can vary since I put the MOM in Work- At- Home- Mom first. I’m fast to counter that I know my commitments and I will make sure I deliver them well. In my six years of working from home, I think I have mustered the art of multitasking and I do it really well.

When you’re a WAHM, you’ll understand that you always pay for your lost working hours. For me it’s really a small price to pay to be able to attend my daughter’s activities at school without running late or asking a proxy for me.

What is a three hour lost of sleep when I can feed my child’s craving for knowledge during our study time? How can I resist plopping beside her watching the newest princess story in Disney Channel or the quirky characters that she loves from Ghibli Studios?

How can I ever resist playing with my ever funny and playful little girl?



I do realize that she’s not going to be “little” for too long. She’ll have friends to go out with and activities of her own to think about. For now, I take comfort that she still wants to be Mommy’s little shadow helper.

To be a successful WAHM, means you’re successful in being an effective and efficient service provider to your clients AND a supportive, caring (and all that things that describes a great– ) Mom.

My advise is to be always honest and upfront about your schedule when discussing new projects with your clients. Be open about possibilities of a child getting sick and needing extra attention, a school activity that needs your attendance or when your house help suddenly go AWOL. It may be a lot to take from a client’s perspective but they will appreciate you for being open and translate to being professional as you can forsee the future scenario. No one wants to be in a sticky situation when it can all be prevented. Besides, I would not want to work with someone who slaves me to work or who does not understand the MOM in WAHM.