There are those days that you can’t seem to jolt your senses even after a cup or two of caffeine and any more of that will either make you palpitate or knock you out completely. Today’s that day for me and I didn’t want to binge eat to brush the sleepiness away so I figured out a cool and quick way to fix it.

I remembered I had a box of coffee beans stashed and I didn’t want to keep on sniffing it to “energize” me so I followed this inspiration since I have yet to refill my stock on himalayan candles.


It says the warmth of the candle will release the amazing aroma of the coffee beans. So I put coffee beans on a small glass and pop the tealight candle in the middle and waited.

The candle glow is enough to calm my nerves and helped me focus after few minutes the coffee bean aroma was all over my home office! It’s great, you awesome WAHMs should try it!