
We had our super quick beach trip yesterday, Sunday, March 21 at Matabungkay Beach Resort, Lian, Batangas. When Troy was little, they used to go there every summer that’s why he insisted that we go there instead of Laiya or Calatagan (which is by the way, a longer drive). 
Peaches’ been excited about the trip the whole week and she woke up super early (4:15AM) and without so much a fuss. She was even awake the whole trip, often asking if we’re near. 
stop over photo and wearing her favorite Little Mermaid shirt
Matabungkay is a 2km stretch of good beach and sand. Admittedly, not as good as Boracay, Bohol or even Puerto Gallera but is super okay for quick de-stressing and budget conscious families. The crowd is rowdier than the latter beaches but we didn’t care because we were enjoying the time on our own.

We initially wanted to rent a Beach Hut but we found out that there are Balsa (floating bamboo huts) for rent and the boatman will drive us further down the water where the water level is good for swimming. Plus we wouldn’t feel much of the heat if we are somewhere in the sea 😉 
floating bamboo hut (balsa)
  The entrance on the beach hotel we choose is P250/head for adults and P200/head for kids. The balsa we rented costs P1200 for a whole day use plus tip on the boatman, P100. We are not allowed to bring food inside the beach so we just brought chips for snacks. The boatman offered us fresh seafood like lobsters, shrimp (the super big ones), squid, fishes I don’t know what they’re called. We chose some and told him how we wanted it cooked. We shelled out P1450 for the food and we’re 6 adults and 1 little adult. I wanted to take photos of the food but it was gone even before I realized I should have gotten the camera. hehehe.
I also hired a boatman who can take us further because Peaches wanted to ride a real boat and so the kids can also go snorkeling. It cost me P450 including the tip for an hour and a half of boat ride and snorkeling.
The tot liked the boat ride too! and saw corals and little fishes. 
After the boat ride and lunch, Peaches was on the water until it was time to go home. She ate her snacks in the water, learned to float with her Dora salbabida (life preserver) and just swam around the balsa, further away and back. She had so much fun it was hard to get her out of the water. But I watched her in awe as I realized how much she love to swim. Imagine, I myself couldn’t walk around the water in barefoot! I must wear slippers as I can’t stand the sand on my feet lol. I’m a pool person, I guess. I remember when we were in Boracay, I was swimming with the waves and clutching my slipper close to me so that when it was time to walk, I can just wear it. lol. 
We headed to the Beach hotel’s bath house to clean up and head home but Peaches wanted to swim at the pool more.
 often you’ll hear Peaches say: “Little Mermaid ako!!!” (I’m Little Mermaid!)
An hour after, we’re on our way home! 😉 and not even outside the Beach hotel’s gate yet, we already have a sleeping mermaid.
It was quick but fun 🙂 
I got tired but if it made my Peaches happy, it was all worth it.
Matabungkay Beach Hotel – 2/10 (smelly bath house, I needed to ask for the kiddie pool cleaned) 
Matabungkay Beach, Batangas – 8/10 the water is forever on low tide hahha. I love it! Not as white as the other beaches but good enough. 
Balsa- 10/10 Perfect for the weather and the moment!