They are, I’m not!

I still have to hear what the teachers have to say on June 5th and I do have few questions in mind. It’s a huge step for Peaches and I am so afraid that things won’t be as good as I thought it would be. Will there be bullies inside that gated institution? Of course! Question is how will the teachers react to quarrels and bullies? Will they regard it as petty and nothing to worry about? Because we all know that’s how it all starts, right? Sigh. I wish I could be there when she takes her first leap at the big school but the darn security and school policy won’t allow it.

I wish I could hold her hand and bring her in to her classroom and wave goodbye like we used to but sadly that has to change soon. She has to do it by herself and I just have to watch, learn and see. It’s true what my friend said that at some point of our child’s life, we have to let her go and pray hard that what you taught her is enough to keep her strong and moving forward.

And that’s what I’m doing. Pray, trust and visualize.

Getting back to reality, I’ve got her uniform, new shoes, bag and listed healthy snacks that she would bring to school. They are not allowed to bring money at school so I have to make sure the snack box is well stocked and planned.

There’s nothing really we need to buy (except for the book/workbook) because every school supply is provided for by the school. So technically we are good to go.

My Mom friends are busy with shopping for their kids’ back to school supplies and prepping for school buses, rides, etc. and most of them are 90% done if not completely done with the tedious task of refilling and restocking their kids’ school supplies.

When I was young, June is my 3rd most awaited month (December being the first and February being the second) because I love the smell of newly covered books, new set of pens, new notebooks to sew and cover; we remove the notebook spring and sew it with yarn. I then cover my notebooks with magazine cut outs to personalize it. And then of course June means I get to have my pocket money again!

I hope Peaches will feel the same excitement as I did when I was little and enjoy her journey along the way.