My last post was about cleaning the house before the year ends and this time, it’s about my personal reflections.

One of the questions from a personality check I did a few weeks ago was how introspect I am. Truthfully, I always calculate my actions and sometimes I tend to be a bit too critical of myself. I am slowly learning to let go and just be and in the process, become not too cynical or critical of others as well.

I’ve really prayed for grace and patience this year and I think that I’ve done well. I also vowed to learn more about myself and others which I think really happened and broaden my ideas about several aspects in life.

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In 2013, I pray for strength to overcome challenges and accept them. In 2013, it should be a year dedicated to improving myself since in 2012, I was able to move up and step up in almost every aspect in my life so it’s just right to improve on whatever skills and knowledge I gained from this year.

2013 is also about welcoming change in our family lives. We are going to be TTC  (trying to conceive) starting June 2013 🙂 Finally, granting Peaches her long overdue baby brother (we hope it’s a baby brother!)

This would mean a lot of change on lifestyle, budget, attitude and so on. But it’s keeping us excited and very positive! We still have plenty of time to get ready before the baby comes but it simply means we will lessen our karaoke nights with our friends 🙂

Words that I want to resonate on 2013:









Merry Christmas friends!