Since I started working at home, I was always constrained to a small space for my work area because we live in a condo. Even now that we’re in a bigger unit, I can’t have my ideal work space for reasons I can’t truly say.

Anyway, just to keep my inspirations coming (one can’t stop dreaming), I am posting my ideas or swatch boards here:


The desk is collapsible and very ideal for small spaces. I figured I can have this made here instead of ordering it from Apartment therapy or Overstock. I like that there are compartments where I can keep my receipts, contracts and reminders together. Here’s how it looks when folded:

I like the darker color better, you?


This is another design idea I love! The baskets are too cute! I would prefer them in yellow though 😀

My idea is more leg room and more spaces to put my pens and papers, my contracts, my receipts and what nots to.

How about you, do you have other ideas? I wanna see!