
And so we heard it on TV. The rice shortage , is it true or not? Why argue on that? Why not do the right thing instead? DO NOT WASTE RICE!!! Why do we have to wait for a shortage before we learn our lessons and treat rice as it should be?…tsk tsk.

As far as I can remember my mum scolds me when I have even a tiny tiny bit of rice left on my plate. She told me its proper etiquette and its a proper way of treating God’s blessing. True. That’s why I always always get food I’m sure I can finish even on buffets ( I can always come back noh!). But long time ago I came across this article saying we should at least have “something” left on our plates or else tagged as “PG” (patay gutom FYI). Duh. Even if how “sosyal” that thing could get me, I will always stick to what my mum said.

Sooooooo as good citizens of this country, T and I lessened our rice intake. Isn’t it just timely? Heck yeah! We can save more if we eat less rice! (lol) We’ll trim down our weights if we eat rice! (uhhh did I mention we are on a diet?)….So it works both ways! Helping the country at the same time benefiting from it! =_=

I saw on TV how these sellers hoard on rice. I think that’s also a reason why rice are becoming expensive! P60/ kilo??? ohmygawd. Surely, more and more Filipinos will suffer from malnutrition.

I suggest, at times we should replace rice with root crops like potatoes and kamote. Or corn! Mashed potatoes are yummy with fried viands.

Did you know that the Philippines is the biggest importer of rice in the world? In short we produce less than the demand. That our government has to purchase 2.2M tons of rice yearly from the international market to feed our tummies!
I hope PGMA comes true to her promise when she vowed to crack down hoarders and people who buy NFA rice and sell them at a higher price.

For now….. No rice for T and me…rice shortage or not.