Do you ever need a reason to give something to your Father? Of course not, so let’s join Samsung’s Smart TV Giveway Contest which they call the DEAR DAD Promo. This promo ends on August 15, 2011 so read on to know how to join.

Here’s Samsung’s Dear Dad Promo Mechanics:

1. Like the Samsung Smart TV PH Fan Page and register for the Dear Dad Contest.

2. Select or create your own letter that you want to send your Dad.

3. Type in your Dad’s name and write a personal message about how you can bond with him through a Smart TV.

4. Type in your Dad’s email address and click send.

5. Post it on your wall, share to your friends and get a chance to win a Smart TV for you and your Dad!

To sum it all up:

When you’re at it, please LIKE my entry by clicking here! I will truly appreciate it.

If you know me well, you’ll understand my letter. It’s close to my heart since I’m a Tatay’s girl and I grew up at the tennis court with him. Sundays for me was Mass, tennis and eating good food cooked by Mom. I won tennis tournaments countless times and in each of them Tatay was there. Of course I lost a few and he was there too and he was quick to give me consolation and a looooonnnngggg tennis lecture afterwards. I remember he records the games of Sampras and Agassi so he can teach me the tricks (while hitting the play, rewind, forward button). It’s the part of my life that I am thankful for ever having. That’s all in the past now because currently my parents live miles away from me, it’s just through Internet that we continue our relationship. It would be so awesome if I could have Samsung Smart TV to watch Tatay via Skype and at the same time watch Tennis Open with him. It really would make our hearts swell if we win this!

Samsung claims that their Smart TV brings people together, I think we’re in the best situation and in need of all the help we could get to bring our family closer and connected each day.

So cheer for me and LIKE my entry by clicking here! Please join as well and leave your links here so I can like you  back 🙂