
Since we transferred residence in Ortigas, hubbie and I decided it’s best if we look for a good pedia for Peaches at The Medical City (which is a stone’s away from our place). The first pedia we had was old. Too old for T’s opinion. He thought the medication she was giving Peaches was as old as she is. So off we go to another pedia, this time to a younger pedia. Hubbie liked her but I did not. She was not cariñosa. In fact she’s a bit “mataray” which hubbie took as being professional. But isn’t it that when you’re a pediatrician you ought to be child friendly?
And another factor I didn’t like her is that she charge insanely high. Per check – up we pay a whooping P600! And her vaccine fees are ridiculous! We paid P2,500 for P’s Measles shot and another P2,500 for a FLu Vax!!! Considering that she’s a General Peditrician with no international citation or whatever.
Now I wonder how do pediatricians set their rates? Do they have a basis or they just charge whatever they feel they deserve?

This last pediatrician we went to is promising. Although we had to wait for our turn (she has a long line of patient–weekdays or weekends), I think it’s worth it. The doctor is not too young and not too old. She answered all my questions and she was not in a hurry to finish the session. I felt relaxed in her office. And Peaches loved her too. PLUS, her flu vax is worth P1000 and per check up we pay P400. lol.

Initially we were rooting for a guy pediatrician that a friend was raving about (and per check up it’s P300!). But turns out he’s not accepting patients who had pedias from the same hospital. Ethics much?

Any recos on your pediatrician?