
As much as I wanted to post my pictionaries,
Pirkko’s internet speed is driving me insane!
I am not one to complain because I’m just borrowing a bit of his net time.

We finally got the keys to our new home.
The place is small but enough for me, T and Peachypoop.
It’s mom’s things I am worried about.
It’s hard to let go of all those things I knew she had
even before she had me.
But what can I do?
The place is so small my PC and T’s laptop hardly made it
to the to-bring list.
Until now,
most of her (my mom’s) precious wares are on our previous house cluttered.
Sometimes I wish they all disappear and re-appear only when I
need it to be.
Well enough whining.

I’m so tired of all the things that had happened
this past few days.
T and I had to travel Ortigas-UST- Maceda-Ortigas from 12nn-6pm
Visit Tatay Jake, fix things at Maceda and return to Ortigas to
make Peaches take her medicines at 7pm.

I realized all this are really way out of the life I
once had…I once knew.
Before, things were as easy as counting one, two, three
Now, even if I count until a billion, things will never fall on its own.

I guess a big faith and more love makes me go on.

Wait for my pics from the trip!

Ms.L thanks for the concern.
issa dear thanks for the tag. I’ll do it promise.

Kisses to everyone!